Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Dragona Online

I'm not yet done reviewing forsaken world but here I am trying out another game:

While doing the daily routine of checking out my facebook account, a friend of mine asked me if I have seen Dragona Online. Well, I was busy with Forsaken World so I told him not yet. I did some searches on youtube and watch Dragona's trailer. It's pretty impressive and the graphics is absolutely amazing. After checking the game's system requirements, I immediately downloaded the game to try it out for myself.


According to the "Book of the Genesis," the world was created by the Goddess of Light, "Huanis" and her five Dragon Lords. They created many fine dragons to populate the lands. But one dragon named "Jurtan", born of the ashes of creation, mutated and brought forth the vices of darkness, jealousy, despair and death to the world. He acquired followers and became a great threat to the peace of Magic Earth.

To subdue the evil Jurtan, the five Dragon Lords banished him to the continent of "Bartan," known as "The Land of Death". With the evil dragon out of the way, the Goddess and Dragon Lords paid no further attention to him. Enraged, Jurtan escaped and declared war on his Dragon brothers. Thus began "The Dragon Wars" which lasted for 1000 days.

The Dragon brothers eventually won and received blessings from the Goddess. Jurtan was again sent to Bartan, this time with a seal that would prevent his escape. Feeling pity for the countless dragons who died during the war, the Goddess Huanis created stars in the night sky from their sacred souls to honor them and their memory. But the evil Jurtan, unable to become a star, in his bitterness and resentment toward the Goddess cursed her land with this prophecy:

"Although my body decays, my wrath and hatred toward you shall continue through the blood I shed and poison the land for a thousand years. On the day my blood overflows and soaks my heart again, I shall rise again."

When enough time had passed for history to become legend, and legend to turn into myth, in the year 999 of the Vedic calendar, an omen appeared one day. A meteor shower appeared in the red sky and the Thebes River overflowed with dark waters. This was known as "The Seal of the Great Storm" and with it, the seal that bound Bartan was broken.

To prevent Jurtan's self-predicted resurrection, the faithful followers of the Goddess Huanis, known as the "Order of Huanis", began a Holy War against the followers of Jurtan in Bartan. They were joined by Dragona warriors who were capable of becoming "possessed" by the dragon spirits of the stars. They gathered around Bartan, as if drawn together by fate. Their Mission: To defeat the evil Jurtan and bring honor and glory to the name of Dragona!

But what they found in Bartan was very different from what was described in the "Book of the Genesis." As the Dragona warriors fought in their quests, the true meaning of their dragon blood was gradually unveiled. Contrary to what the historical records of their legendary "Dragon Wars" taught, the truth about Jurtan and the Goddess Huanis surfaced, along with the real enemy that they must face...

The adventures of Dragona had just begun.


There are four main characters in Dragona but each one have two jobs to choose from:
Humans - can either go as a Gunner or a Snipper
Kalis - can act as Guardian or an Assassin
Eldin - can be a Magician or a Ranger
Catcha - can perform as a Shaman or a Scout

What I loved about this game is that your character can transform into a dragon. I have tried riding mounts on other games and even having wings to fly but this is the first time my character can transform into something else. Here's a photo of shaiyoko:

Monday, August 15, 2011

Forsaken World

I'll be updating more RPG's I used to play but meantime let me introduce you to the one I'm currently playing:

Here's an overview of the game from their site:


Forsaken World is a deep and engaging MMORPG set in the beautiful land of Eyrda, the land the gods left behind. Enjoy refined gameplay with beautiful 3D environments, deep character development, guild development and combat. Play as one of Eyrda's five races and once of eight classes in the battle that will determine the world's fate. An uneasy peace is felt all over the land. The world has not yet forgotten the ravages of the Great Wars. The Storm Lord and his Legion are preparing to invade land once more and the gods are nowhere to be found. Join the battle that will shape the future of Eyrda! Train yourself and exceed your limits to shape the world's destiny! Make use of Forsaken World's features well and achieve this:

Deep Character Development System

Your power is not measured by brute force alone. You must balance and pursue different kinds paths in order to fully realize your character's potential. Sharpen your fighting prowess by training your skills. Realize your potential and unlock your talents. Choose the finest gear and hone it to serve its purpose. Train yourself and master the elements.

Pets and Mounts

In this world, you are never truly alone. You have your trusty mount to make travelling more convenient and pet you can train to be a reliable buddy even in dire situations.

Refined Quest System

If you feel lost and don't know what to do or where to go, a single click of a button will let you see all available quests. No need to run around looking for townfolk whose name or location you forgot. The only thing between you and your objective is a mere click.

Quick Dungeon Access

The days of waiting in line and searching for companions in a dungeon is now over! You can now choose a dungeon you want to invade and go on with your quests and other activities. Once enough people choose the same dungeon, you can be warped to the dungeon immediately! No more wased time waiting at the dungeon's entrance.

Guild System and Activities

Form a guild with your friends to gain access to opportinuties only guild members can have! Build your guild's base with solid teamwork as well as construction material gained through guild quests! If you haven't found the guild to call home yet, you can always join the Lionheart Reserve as a temporary guild and continue gaining merit through guild quests!

Shaiyoko as a lyricist:

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Rohan Online: Blood Feud may not be the most innovative game out there but it manages to take tried and true MMORPG elements and blend them into one of the best free to play games available. The graphics and music are top notch and the game is feature packed. Besides a huge world to explore, Rohan has a wide variety of PvP options. Oddly, your race and class choices are intertwined in Rohan, each race represents a distinct class. This does limit variety but each class has a huge skill tree with multiple branches which leads to a number of specializations per class.


In the beginning God created the world in seven days. Edoneh was born from the solitude of fortitude. As stated earlier god created the earth in seven days, but the great god gave it to Ian as a gift, Ian in turn gave birth to the five minor gods: Adrian, Arlyn, Pamela, Wailyn, and Monching.

Ian set his creations, known by scholars as "The Lesser/Lower Gods" down on the earth and each of these gods in turn created a race for this new world. Adrian created the Humans, Arlyn created the Giants, Pamela the Elves, Wailyn created Dark Elves, and Silva the Halflings. The Lesser Gods placed their creations on separate regions of Rohan, but Ohn felt this task was too important to be left in the hands of the Lesser Gods, so Ohn created Dragons to divide and patrol the regions.

Peace insured in this early time, but like in all things, everything good must come to an end. In the Human Kingdom, Claut Del Lagos (believed by many scholars to be the world's first Dhan) assassinates his older brother, Penkel Del Lagos (king at that time), and usurps power. Thirteen long years later, the late king's son, Selio Del Lagos, forms a rebellion and ends Claut's regimen. Claut and his followers flee to an island in the northern reaches of Rohan and settle there, and called themselves as Dhans.

Some time later there's a catastrophe and something happened to Ohn. The five Lesser Gods, in an attempt to revive him, decided to kill the Dragons that Ohn had created in order to retrieve the power that he used. However, they manage to kill all the dragons but one. That one dragon hides on the western side of the same island the Dhan inhabit, and uses the last of its life force to create the Dekan race. Due to the constant expanding of the Dhan and the Dekan, the two races finally meet, and clash.

The war between the Dekan and the Dhan lasted ten long bloody years, with the war finally ending in a truce. With the Dragons gone, the other races can now explore past their former boundaries and start meeting each other for the first time.

The Lesser Gods, in a desperate move decided to sacrifice the other races since killing the dragons didn't bring back Ohn. The Lesser Gods create monsters to eliminate the races but their plan backfires. The advent of monsters bring the races closer together. It brings the Elves and Humans especially close, so close that the two start producing offspring, the world's first Half Elves. Rejected by both Humans and Elves, the Half Elves created their own settlement in the middle of the forest of Morrisen.

The wise sages realized that the monsters were the Lesser Gods' doing. A brave soul by the name of Edwin rides out and challenges the Lessers, but he is never to be seen again. Rumors of this event start spreading, and people start talking. The current Elf queen at the time has a terrible vision of destruction, of a Rohan where only monsters roam, and where the created races are nothing but distant memories.

Desperate to make the vision a lie the Elf Queen calls for a gathering of the races, but only the Humans and Halflings show up. The Giants and Dark Elves have formed a secret alliance in order to cleanse Rohan of the Humans and Elves. When the Humans, Halflings, and Elves counter this by allying themselves, the Giants extend their hands to the Half Elves. The Dhan and Dekan, having already lost many in their ten year war remain neutral as this new war unfolds, but their land is now being threatened by monsters from all sides.


Human (Knight) – Toughest race, best suited for a tanking role. Specializes in melee combat.

Elf (Healer) – Mainly support race. Elves specialize in healing and buffing their allies though they also maintain many offensive spells.

Half Elf (Archer) – Ranged damage dealer. Half Elves you bows or crossbows to inflict heavy damage from a distance. Half Elves make excellent soloers but can also assist others.

Dhan (Assassin) – Rohan’s specialty assassin race, Dhans can activate a special assassin mode where they can attack other players at will and gain experience from defeating them. In this mode, Dhan’s cannot party or complete quests.

Dekan (Dragon Fighter) – Dekan are offensive spell casters who have the ability to drain hp from their opponent and transform into dragons.

Dark Elf (Mage) – Powerful spell casters. Dark Elves are the traditional heavy nukers of Rohan. Dark Elves also have a number of curse and debuff spells at their disposal.

Giant (Warrior) - A powerful melee oriented class. They can use dual blades or powerful 2 handed weapons to attack multiple enemies at once.

Playing Rohan is a lot easier since the gameplay is not different with that of Tantra Online. I liked the graphics too and the story as well.

Here's what shaiyoko looked like in Rohan.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


The good thing about being into role playing games is that you are able to acquire new friends from different parts of the world. From them, there are so many things you can learn not only about the game you are playing but they also introduce you to other types of rpgs. I discovered Tantra Online from one of my chat friends.


Tantra traces its roots to an ancient language used by the gods; its origins predating the dawn of mankind. The advent of life spawned an age where gods and humans peacefully co-existed. Everything was a perfect cycle of natural order, an equilibrium undisturbed for a long, long time. But an evil terror came forth to threaten this balance. Great wars erupted and cataclysmic battles between gods and humans escalated. From the horrors of war, arose a powerful evil – Mara.

Haima Yuga: The Golden Age

A period of tranquility between gods and humans ushered in an era known as Haima Yuga or the Golden Age. This epoch saw the three high gods, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva living together in Shambala Castle at the Mantra Plateau. They ruled over this dominion while bringing balance and order in the realms of Tantra. For a great period of time, everything was in harmony and coordination. It seems nothing could disrupt this utopia. But then the humans began to feel restless and uneasy.

The immense superiority of the gods provoked a deep envy among humans. They were starting to question the great order of things and their reason for being. This reawakening triggered a mass exodus from the Mantra Plateau and humans scattered about to start a new life. They traveled wide and far until they finally settled into the eight regions.

Even though they migrated from the Mantra Plateau, humans never completely severed their ties with the gods. Oracles found within their settlements provided the channels from which they communicated with the gods of Mantra Plateau.

The world of Tantra was slowly taking into shape. A shared reality made possible by gods and humans united towards their vision of a utopian ideal.

The Breaking of the Three

Life was relatively idyllic and calm in the world of Tantra. However, this fragile peace was eventually extinguished by a god’s murderous rampage.

Chaos ensued when Shiva slaughtered Brahma by slitting his throat. Shiva’s motives were a great mystery to all and his treachery resulted into an imbalance within the sphere of Tantra. The Power of Three was no more.

Several heroic middle-class gods rushed to the Gates of Shambala in a desperate bid to realign the balance within Tantra. It was an exercise in futility as a mysterious and powerful force intervened, sealing the gates for all eternity. This was an ominous foretelling of the great evil heading towards the land of Tantra.

The absence of the three gods (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva) and the closure of the Gates of Shambala saw a reign of chaos and terror pervading the land. The diabolical Mantra and his legions invaded the world of Tantra from the Mantra Plateau. Caught unaware and outnumbered, the Gatekeepers, God’s own army, put up a stubborn defense but were greatly overwhelmed by the marauding forces of Mara.

Mara’s nefarious scheme was like a mysterious cloud looming over the horizon. His insidious plans a great enigma to all. The annihilation of the Gatekeepers leaves the humans to rely on their own cunning and resources. The road to redemption would have to be trudged by mankind alone.

War of the Eight Kings

With the collapse of the Gatekeeper’s defenses, the humans from the eight regions banded together for one last stand. Each region was commanded by eight noble heroes who rallied them into war. Their heroic resistance proved to be a match to Mara’s army and they went on to engage the dark forces for 1 yogi year (10 years).

The war raged on with both sides incurring massive casualties. Mara and his minions staged a desperate final assault but were eventually repulsed by the gallant humans. It turned out to be a bittersweet victory as the humans paid a terrible price for their valor. Mantra was reduced to rubbles and the eight heroes sacrificed their lives to lock away the evil Mara from Tantra for eternity.

As a fitting tribute to the eight heroes selflessness, the grateful humans renamed them as the Eight Kings. Their acts of courage became tales passed on through generations. Unfortunately, the memories of the war and the Eight Kings were eventually erased from the collective memories of the humans they once saved.

The Coming of the Dark Age

Seven yogi years (70 years) passed and the humans were gradually recovering from the effects of the terrible war. A once barren land turned into fertile grounds where new cities sprouted. They christened one of the cities Mantra Plava, the place where the descendants of the eight tribes lived in relative peace and harmony.

The untimely departure of the three gods left a gaping hole in the people’s quest for enlightenment. Many started to question the established truths and beliefs. They started to argue over the tenets of their religion including the real version of Brahma’s death. These bickering led to conflicts in ideologies which resulted into many religions being established and various questions unresolved.

In this age of confusion and discord, the fragile peace that held everything in check was beginning to unravel. Rumors about sightings of malevolent creatures spread like wildfire. Fear was creeping in on the populace and an emerging threat was lurking in the shadows. It was a widely held belief that these beings were Mara’s descendants, otherwise known as Mara’s Blood.

Sightings of Mara’s Blood became widespread, prompting the humans to leave Mantra Plava. They migrated south and began building shelters and defenses from these evil entities. Sadly, lives were still lost during this hurried evacuation.

Numerous assaults were undertaken on the lair of Mara’s Blood. These gallant attempts failed to hold back the impending threat. Devoid of the leadership of the Eight Kings and experiencing division from within, the humans were simply helpless against the evil that was about to engulf their lands.

The era of peace that pervaded for so many years was no more. A new and more vicious evil was about to unleash its fury. It was the epoch of the Dark Age – a time of unspeakable terror and evil.


Like other RPGs, you have to create a character by choosing one out of the eight tribes in tantra.

Deva - They are spiritualists who have studied an efficient way of using the power of force. Have an extraordinary magical powers but are susceptible to physical attacks.

Garuda - They are basically Summoners with Spiritualist abilities. They can use all kinds of forces, and they have a special ability to summon dadatis.

Asura - Their superior strength, such as strong attacks with swords and daggers, instant power and speed, are known to be fearful targets against the enemies.

Rakshasa - Having long-distance eye sights and senses like a beast, They can use various long-distance weapon to attack the enemies.

Kimnara - Relying heavily on their superhuman strength, they are fearful and powerful warriors who use all short-distance weapons to fight.

Naga - They protect their allies and stand in front of the line in battles to neutralize the enemies.

Yaksa - Battle-hardened and ferocious, Yaksas are unbendable fighters who have no fearthey use their hands and battle gloves to fight.

Gandharva - They take a big part in combats by increasing ally´s abilities, and decreases opponent´s abilities.

Tantra is not your usual, run-of-the-mill Online Role Playing Game. With its crisp, cutting-edge 3D graphics, engrossing storyline and mind-blowing gameplay, Tantra is an enthralling cyber-gaming foray that will surely excite and captivate both hardcore gamers and newbies alike. Let your imagination ran wild as you set forth to vanquish evil and save mankind from impending doom. Eight noble and powerful heroes are at your disposal; each one possessing colossal skills and attributes. Customize their names and appearances for that added personal touch. Equip them with armors, accessories and weapons as you annihilate the monsters and bosses with ease. More than just eye-candy, the eight tribes of Tantra are swashbuckling warriors and defenders on a daring mission.

Tantra is a 3D MMORPG released on 2004. This game is an excellent game. I enjoyed the game because the players are very helpful.You can party with players for easy level up or for quests and you can even duel them too. I like the fact that there is an area where most players spend their time fighting against each other to defend their god. This game is truely amazing and excellent graphics and the music fits really well. This is one of the best game I ever played and I am saddened that this game will end on the 1st of September 2011.

Shaiyoko's role in this world is a Gandharva ready to support her friends during battles.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


I got tired of playing Ragnarok after so many months due to the fact that the server is now overcrowded and many players are now using bot. I have decided that Shaiyoko's career in the world of Ragnarok Online should end. So after deciding to quit RO, I came across a new game, another RO but this time my eyes are set to Rose Online. A new game, a new world and adventure for Shaiyoko.

Rose Online's Storyline

We don't know where Arua came from, nor how she came to be. We do know, however, that nothing existed before Arua. The Goddess of life, souls, and all existence created the universe as she saw fit… a calm and beautiful place where souls could dwell peacefully. The deep matters of the universe cradled the waves of life, on which all beings would sway soothingly. This perfect universe was called the Sea of Souls.

Life would bring shine to the Sea of Souls, in the form of seven planets. Arua created these out of love, and dedicated each of them to the inhabitants that she breathed life into.

"The planets, as your lives, dear ones, are all yours. As am I. As are your souls."

These are the words of Arua that ring in everyone's hearts when they are born.

"To you, I give the Gods, to watch over you. Praise them well, for no love can ever match the one you will receive from them."

And thus, the Gods were created, to watch over all life that Arua had created among the seven planets. And Arua named the planets after each of the Gods and Goddesses that would look after them: Junon, Lunar, Eldeon, Oro, Karkia, Skaaj, and Hebarn.

Each planet's inhabitants lived in happiness, idolizing their respective God or Goddess, and reveling in the pleasures that living under their protection and rule brought.

But all was not harmonious for long. The Dark God Hebarn disbanded from the other planets, and his plots to destroy Arua's universe began.

Soon, the gossips about strange visitors started. The Visitors protect life, and make right from all that is wrong. They are divine beings; they seldom suffer from hunger or thirst, they do not need as much sleep as most other creatures, but they can hurt, they can love. And they can help.

That is why Arua created them, after all.


There are four primary classes in Rose Online. The Muse, Soldier, Hawker and Dealer. Just like in Ragnarok, these classes can advance into more higher classes. A Soldier who have excellent defense can turn into a Knight and finally into Champion. The Muse, who heals and cures other classes, can advance into Cleric and then Mage. The Hawkers, with fast movement, hiding abilities and fatal blow skills, can be promoted to Raiders and eventually Scout. The Dealer, who specialize in business and trading, can be promoted to Bourgeois and if you want to create rare items, you can further develop its craftsmanship and become an Artisan.

Rose Online is a 3d RPG. Just like Ragnarok, this is an anime fantasy game and PTP too but now it's already Free to Play. I love the fact that the graphics are bright and with vibrant colors. The characters are larger than those in Ragnarok and cuter too. Rose Online's game scene is pleasant to the eye. You can level up faster too and the gameplay is simple.

In this world, Shaiyoko ventured out as a Dealer. My brother, whose character is a knight, wants a dealer as a companion so somebody can craft rare items for him. As an obedient sister, and to minimize arguments in the house, I obeyed his wish. Being a dealer is not bad as I thought. Even though Shaiyoko's movement is slow because she carries a big weapon (a gun launcher), I was able to level up faster and acquire materials for crafting. Shaiyoko became popular with other players because of the things she can craft that everyone buys.

Here's a peak of Shaiyoko:

Monday, July 4, 2011


The first online game I have ever played is Ragnarok Online.  During that time Ragnarok is a PTP (Pay to Play) game - meaning you have to load up your account to be able to play.

Original Story of Ragnarok (published in www.roempire.com)
(This was translated by Mike Landon, the Tester of Ragnarok Online from USA)

A long and grueling holy war waged on for many years.

The war between God, the humans and the demons caused a great deal of damage to everyone involved. After the war, human beings entered into a truce with God and the demons.

This uneasy period of peace would last a thousand years. In the times of peace, in the world of Midgard, the humans would eventually forget about the miseries and hardships of war. They became conceited and selfish with little knowledge of their part in the war of the past.

Bizarre occurrences begin to break the balance of peace in several places of Midgard. A roaring sound that blocks God, humans and demons suddenly appears. Unprovoked attacks from wild animals along with earthquakes and tidal waves ravish the people of Midgard.

As the peace begins to break down, legends of the mysterious demons begin to be told by various adventurers. Stories of Ymir, which has been responsible for maintaining the peace for so long, begin to circulate as well.

Excited adventurers begin to search for these pieces. Some search for wealth, others to make a name for themselves and some for their own twisted goals. The search begins without anyone knowing the true essence of the pieces of Ymir....


All characters in Ragnarok start off as a Novice and after obtaining basic skills and reaching level 9, players can change their profession to a first job class of their choice and eventually a second job they are eligible for.

When I first entered the game, I was amazed by the number of people who are online.  I can barely see my own character.  This game is so popular way back then.  When you visit the city, more players can be seen and if your computer is slow, your character might not be able to walk because there are so many vendors and some players are even throwing skills at one another.

The graphic of the game is set in 3D+2D scenario. The characters looked cute.  You will never get bored playing since there are many things to do and you can even form a party for faster level up.  The only downside is you have to memorize a lot of key combinations to perform skills and interact plus you have to pay to be able to play.

Here is my character in RO:

RPGs- Role Playing Games

This site is all about my experiences in Role-Playing Games or simply RPGs.

What exactly is RPG?  Well,  according to the Oxford English Dictionary, RPG is a game in which players take on the roles of imaginary characters, usually in a setting created by a referee, and thereby vicariously experience the imagined adventures of these characters.

What roles are there?  There are so many roles a player can choose depending on the type of game they are playing.  Most RPG's are based on the battle between good and evil.  A player can be a hero or a villain.  You can take the role of an angel or a demon, even fictional characters like dwarfs, elves, giants, fairies, monsters etc.  They can also be a fighter, a sorcerer, a healer, a protector, and the likes.

I started playing RPGs  last 2006 and until now I am still hooked on this type of game.  I'll be posting the games I have played before and even those I am currently subscribed in so stay tuned for that.